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Es werden Posts vom Februar, 2009 angezeigt.

Or are we dancers

My erasmus winter semester 2007 met in Sundsvall during the last weekend. Although I did not even spend 48 hours in Sundsvall it was toally worth money, time and effort to go there. I arrived on Friday evening, met the Spanish girls at Wayne's coffee, had dinner and then we awesomely partied in O'Learys. On Saturday we had brunch in the city, I visited Jonny and Marzena and joined the others later on for skiing near Sidsjön. Saturday evening we had a preparty at Johan's place and invaded later on the good old K århuset where I finally met Sebastian and Solène, too. It is quite funny to see the connections between the different erasmus semesters. After a good long sleep on Sunday morning we met again in the city for brunch, but only shortly, because the Dutchs and me had to leave at 12. They dropped me off at the trainstation. On the way we figured that I would only have 10 minutes between arrival of the train and closing of the check-in. When I had booked trains and flights...

Perfect Situation

As constant readers know, I went on a last big trip before I start working in less than a week. I went to Nicaragua for a little bit more than 4 weeks starting 10 minutes before the new year. The trip was... intense. I missed the biggest attractions, but met a lot of nice people I hope to stay in contact with. There were treasure moments as well as worst moments. But still, it was the absolute right decision to go. Like a short movie of life, if you like. And since my job is supposed to give me a lot of freedom, it for sure won't have been my last big thing for this year. The amount of new stories is intense. By far too much for a blog. So I suppose, if you want to hear them, we have to meet. Since Christmas market in Aachen is closed since more than one month, I suggest a hot chocolate instead of Glühwein. If you make it to stay over night, we can exchange the chocolate with a few cold beers. And if I can trust my flatmates there should be some of this liqueur left :-) Costa Rica...