The last 2 weeks felt very short. Thanks to my busy schedule. But now everything is done I do not know how to kill time. All I do is waiting. Weekends are the worst. When you live on the countryside where all friends have left already years before, your only entertainment is the TV. And television in Sweden is bad, but Germany is even worse. But I hope that I can soon start to new interviews abroad, so it would be finally going on somehow.

The question is, if I can leave this town. Suddenly the winter is back and cars get stucked in the snow. Everybody has to stay at home today, because our part of the town does not have clear streets and since German cars do not have spike-tires the cars cannot get up any hill. Especially not these mountains. Only in the last 6 hours fell approximatly 20 centimeters of snow. And it is still snowing. We already had spring since weeks! Yesterday my mother cutted the hedge, because soon is breeding time of birds, so hedges are protected by law.

Ohja, I passed my final exam. The grade is even pretty good. But it does not feel very different than before the exam. I had hardly anything to do with my home university since one and a half years. Not depending on them anymore is not anything new. But when I walked yesterday through the university for getting last signatures from authorities, everybody congratulated and asked what I am going to do now. And now when it becomes a little bit more real every moment that I can go everywhere I want, working finally on something useful, I become a little bit excited. My interview in Aachen went well. The project I would work on is very international - like I wished for. Now I wait for the responses from Netherlands and Belgium to decide where to go. But Aachen is very tempting and became more than just a compromise. At the moment it feels like a win-win-situation. But until then I still have to wait.