Long ago since my last post, long ago since there was something big to tell. Routine sets in. Waking up in the morning, if I have to translate, then I have to stand up even 90 minutes earlier than usual. After translating catching the bus. One day I had a little bus adventure. First I overslept, second my bus was not going, third the busdriver of my new bus did drove into a wrong street and had to find his way back through tiny ways. Afterwards 8,5 hours at Atos and back home. If the weather is like now, warm and high humidity, I am only tired when I finally arrive home. Maybe a nap then and afterwards coming through the evening somehow. But of course there are more interesting things. Once I spent a weekend at my parents place making a small cycling tour and once I was in Netherlands again. One day I had to go grocery shopping in Vaals (Netherlands), because I figured out too late that I cannot get meat for barbeque in Germany on a holiday. Work is going so well. This week I had high ...
February 2008 - April 2009