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Es werden Posts vom Mai, 2008 angezeigt.

Im Trott

Long ago since my last post, long ago since there was something big to tell. Routine sets in. Waking up in the morning, if I have to translate, then I have to stand up even 90 minutes earlier than usual. After translating catching the bus. One day I had a little bus adventure. First I overslept, second my bus was not going, third the busdriver of my new bus did drove into a wrong street and had to find his way back through tiny ways. Afterwards 8,5 hours at Atos and back home. If the weather is like now, warm and high humidity, I am only tired when I finally arrive home. Maybe a nap then and afterwards coming through the evening somehow. But of course there are more interesting things. Once I spent a weekend at my parents place making a small cycling tour and once I was in Netherlands again. One day I had to go grocery shopping in Vaals (Netherlands), because I figured out too late that I cannot get meat for barbeque in Germany on a holiday. Work is going so well. This week I had high ...

Mijn nederlandse week (deel 2)

I skipped work on Friday. I would have been the only one at work and I had already finished every lonely job the week before when my supervisor has been sick. I made some shopping and recovered in bed from Queensday. In the evening I went out with Ulrich. In the third pub we met two friends of him and continued with them our pub tour. I finally get to know the locations. It is quite embarrasing. As Ulrich kept asking me "What have you done all the years, if you do not know these pubs?", I really asked myself how I could have missed the basics. Well, I never has been in Aachen in the weekends and during the week I studied. Two sides. The combination of both started in Sweden. But now I even have an idea what to show people who would come for a visit to Aachen (just call me). While I've been in the Netherlands my bike has been brought to Aachen. Finally. I was planning this since the first week I got to Aachen 4 years ago, but I always wanted to keep the bike at my parents ...

Mijn nederlandse week (deel 1)

Monday started in chaos. Somehow I counted on receiving my salary that day. But I did not and at lunch time I had to face the high probability not having enough money for a ticket to Den Haag or Amsterdam. While cursing myself for every beer from the Friday before and loosing almost my mind I could arrange some euros for a ticket. Somehow, all such stuff was a lot more relaxed in Sweden. But once I set in the train everything was alright. Because I started earlier in the morning at work I could leave earlier. And once Ward, Silvia and Maritha found the right railway at the trainstation my evening was fixed. We went for dinner at Scheveningen and drove around in Den Haag. Tuesday started early in Amsterdam. We picked up Isa and David from Schiphol airport and traveled further to the city. Ward and Maritha showed us around and Isa, Silvia and David moved into their hostel. The hostel was more a barrack. The beds must be some Wehrmacht-relics. New furnitures are not possible to bring in ...