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Im Trott

Long ago since my last post, long ago since there was something big to tell. Routine sets in. Waking up in the morning, if I have to translate, then I have to stand up even 90 minutes earlier than usual. After translating catching the bus. One day I had a little bus adventure. First I overslept, second my bus was not going, third the busdriver of my new bus did drove into a wrong street and had to find his way back through tiny ways. Afterwards 8,5 hours at Atos and back home. If the weather is like now, warm and high humidity, I am only tired when I finally arrive home. Maybe a nap then and afterwards coming through the evening somehow.
But of course there are more interesting things. Once I spent a weekend at my parents place making a small cycling tour and once I was in Netherlands again. One day I had to go grocery shopping in Vaals (Netherlands), because I figured out too late that I cannot get meat for barbeque in Germany on a holiday.
Work is going so well. This week I had high motivation. I worked alone at the project, because my supervisor took some hours off. So I had to get through everything by my own. Software engineering you have to imagine like this: you have problem, you think a lot, you read a lot, you draw a lot, you program a little bit. Afterwards the problem is solved and you like your solution in the end so much that you invest even some extra time in it to make it even neater. It is your little pet. It is clean, it can walk, it can carry things. It helps, it works. You are happy and you always believe in this damn illusion you did something well. And at one point you have to admit that your solution is only neat in your believes. Suddenly there is another technique which you could have used, if you would have known it. A lot work for almost nothing and your favorite pet turns from a stallion into a jackass. This is pretty much the story of this day. Only that I lost even a few pets. Now I have to learn again stuff to do it well this time - I hope. And here it starts again...
But I can announce some good news: I booked my train and plain to Sundsvall. So from 21st of June evening to 24th of June early early morning we could meet in Sundsvall, if you are around. If you can make it one day earlier to Sweden you even can experience the actual Midsommar night from 20th to 21st. I do not have any further concrete summer plans, but I already heard from some possible visitors. Anyone who wants to spend some days in Aachen/Aken/Aix-la-Chapelle/Oochen/Oche is welcome. Oh, by the way: Everyone who wants to live in Aachen/Aken/Aix-la-Chapelle/Oochen/Oche, too. My flatmates are moving out soon. Anybody interested in one or two rooms in a bright appartment in a historical city next to Belgium and Netherlands? If you give me a call, you're in.
Until then, I count the days until Sweden. Exactly 3 weeks to go until my trip starts.


Beliebte Posts aus diesem Blog

EILC 2008

In the end I want to publish something that might be of special interest for those who spend the EILC 2006 with me in Härnösand . Midsweden University officially has an EILC 2008 this year!! EILC stands for Erasmus Intensive Language Course. In 2007 Miun skipped it. The old EILC 2006 page is deleted and new site of this year's course is http://www.miun.se/eilc/ . Looks quite similar to our starting page two years ago. Only Björn is now Johanna (check personal staff). And they could have at least published new pictures from Hans and Ella. The new course is going to start in 2 weeks. If I imagine I would have stayed in Sundsvall as first planned, I would welcome the EILC students on their Campus trip... funny. I had no idea when was at their place . But since I only linked my pictures at that time to Hans EILC page, I have to repair my articles from August 2006 now, because all pictures are lost, of course. Luckily I saved at least those from the blog somewhere. But does anyboday h...

Nägel mit Köpfen

I tried it already once in February, but changed my mind. But now finally I am that tired of writing a blog for everybody, that I quit it. It's more a principle thing I am tired about. Thanks to all (both) responses pushing me to continue my blog a few weeks ago, but it really does not make sense anymore. For the few who liked it, we are in contact anyway (excl. mijn anonieme vriend van Friesland; ik denk dat je anonimiteit moet opgeven, als je verder informeerd zijn wil: facebook, hyves of een biertje indien ik kom naar Friesland - en deeze keer mer conversatie dan alleen "hi" ;-) A bit statistics: this blog has 53 posts in 14 months. Most visitors came from Germany (798), Netherlands (732) and Sweden (210). Keyword that was used most to google my blog: "officina del mare brescia" (I think, earned another free dinner for good publicity, hahaha). Anyway, I had some new ideas for the blog the last days. More back to the roots, because in basic this blog was supp...

Almost master

These are my final days as student, for the trip to Sundsvall was a success. When Ulrich (surprise-guest) and I arrived in Sundsvall on Friday evening, it was too warm for snow and the streets were clear. But during the presentation next morning, it started to snow. Since then I have been in a snowy winterland. The weekend was beautiful. I somehow passed the presentation, I just need to make some corrections. Because of holidays it will take until February until I can apply for the master degree - until I receive it, it may take weeks or even months of bureaucracy. Anyhow, it is nothing that needs much effort, but patience. Sundsvall is pretty much the same like last February. They reconstruct the outdoor swimming pool to a kind of adventure pool and the campus at the university gets a new building. I was able to do everything that I wanted to do: A lonely night walk on the tiny paths in the woods while it was snowing and visiting Norra Berget and Alnön again. Sandra and Ulli have th...