Since two weeks is "felt-spring". The month started with long waited for highlight as I had a small Nica-Reunion in Amsterdam. Although I spent most of the weekend in trains between Aken, Den Haag and Amsterdam, it was nice and worth the effort. I visited Amsterdam's flower market and even watched the local match of the world wide pillow fight. I looked like quite funny since you could only see a crowd of people and flying pillows and feather-clouds above them. In the end Kiki and I met with Ward for dinner in Nieuw Vennep. The restaurant "De Oude Molen" had awesome atmosphere and I can recommend everybody to go out there for dinner.

Thanks to eastern holidays the week was rather short. Jens stopped by on Thursday and we started my second Dutch weekend. Again I spent most of the time in transit - either cars or trains. We had perfect weather, but as soon the temperatures were above 20 degrees my hayfeaver came back. That is a good reason to go back to Sweden, because I harldy ever had problems there. But here it is not too bad, yet, too. I just felt a little bit exhausted without doing anything. But back to the trip: First we travelled by train to Den Haag and met Maritha and Ward for dinner and going out. On Saturday morning we drove to Friesland to meet Maritha's family again. We drove and walked around the village and I still cannot orientate in that landscape. Everything looks the same. Trees, fields, tiny red houses and sheep. I mean back home I am not far away from wilderness, but it is so easy to find your way. But there... you turn 3 times left and still do not end up where you started. If you drop me a kilometer far away from Jistrum I would never find back.

As I introduced "Super-Yazzee" at my
last visit I was in need to bring another tradition in to the country side. Fitting to the erasmus group I brought some "German powder" and Wodka. (Phil documentated a powder evening quite well once at Ulrich's birthday in Sundsvall) Unfortunately, I brought too less packages, so we did not even have two complete rounds. But the one or the other had enough after two shots and a bit of red wine anyway (en het was niet ik, haha). We stayed until late near the camp fire, but got up early anyway to enjoy the jacuzzi. Around 10 Ward brought us back to Amsterdam, because the train connections are awefull if you try to travel from Friesland to Aken. Traveling to Schiphol first did not bring any advantage in time, but we avoided switching trains frequently. Unfortunately we missed the moment when we arrived in Hertogenbosch and should have switched on busses in order to go to Eindhoven, because the track was blocked. We figured it out when our train drove the same way back as we arrived before. In the end we spend two hours extra travelling between Utrecht and Hertogenbosch twice and then by bus further to Eindhoven. I was lucky not traveling alone. Although Jens and I were quite furstrated it was fun to tease each other about sitting 8 hours in car and trains. Poor Jensi even had to travel two hours further to Koblenz!
That were my trips so far. The plans for May are currently stucked, because it does not depend on me (vamos, chicas!!!). At least in two weeks I will go to Amsterdam again for Queensday (