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First week home

More than a week has passed, since I left Sweden. It seems much longer. After I had arrived in Germany I traveled immidiately half way to Aachen. The night I stayed at a friends place (thanks Michael!!!), just for handing in my thesis on the next morning. While I was in Sweden, I was not happy for not being at home on my first night home. But in the end, it was good, I think, not to have time to think too much about where I have been just one day before. And the following days stayed interesting. Maybe because I was prepared for going home since a long time, but until now, I do not miss Sundsvall too much. But maybe it only comes later. The people I miss, but I have the feeling I would see them again, soon. But still. On Thursday morning, when I waited at university, counting the time had changed. Before I left Sundsvall, I was counting backwards (7 days left, 6 days left) and until Wednesday I counted forward. 24 hours ago, I had breakfast in Nacksta. Thoughts like this arose several times.
But there were also things to look forward to. On Monday I traveled to Capelle aan den Ijssel (Netherlands) for an interview. Well, the interview was ok. They might have a job in the end of the year. Until then, they try to get me to Brussels. How cool. Although I do not like big cities, I think I like to work in Europe's capital for a while. And everybody says it would be a nice city. But they did not phone me back today as promised. Hope, they did not forget me. Although I was doubting in Sweden, if I have studied the right thing, I am eager to get finally started with some serious work.
The person I talked to at the company was sorry I would have traveled so far for almost nothing, but he was wrong. Although the chance for working in another country (especially Netherlands) would already be a reason to travel 5 hours by train, I stopped at Den Haag for visiting Maritha for two days. It was definitely a good choice to stay that long. I even forgot to count. How long is my last night in Sundsvall ago? I forgot it when I was asked. In Den Haag I made a small tourist tour to the beach. On Monday evening we had dinner with Jonny and Marzena at Vapiano. On Tuesday Ward came even over from Amsterdam for dinner. Maritha and Ward said, it would be strange to meet people from Sundsvall back home. But for me it was like... Erasmus. Being somewhere else, meeting people I like. After again 5 hours train I was back home on Wednesday evening.
Netherlands are cool. Water everywhere (and it did not rain a drop). I wondered why the tallest people of Europe live in such tiny houses. Maybe some relict from old Spanish times. But that only counts for small towns. Big cities are big cities. I had a whole trip around Netherlands, at least the south. I saw the trainstations of Roermond, Einhoven, Breda, Rotterdam, Gouda, and Utrecht (and far more of course, but these are the names I remember). All names which I usually only know from signs on the "highway" to places you go in holidays to.
Den Haag

Tomorrow I will have my final presentation in Aachen. After that, I will have my diploma (if I do not fail). After the presentation I will have another interview. It is so exciting that I do not know, where I will be in one week. Maybe already looking for a flat somehwere in Europe. Or still for a job somewhere in Europe. Until I know where I will live the new blog will be called "markus efter sverige". Might change soon.


Anonym hat gesagt…
aha, gleich entdeckt, den neuen blog! mensch, dein leben geht ja direkt turbulent weiter. ist aber auch gut so, glaub ich. bei mir gings damals ja auch direkt ins praktikum, so dass ich erstmal beschäftigt war.

aber schweden bleibt irgendwie immer präsent (kein wunder), auch wenn du dich auf einmal im alltagsstress wiederfindest und zur eigenen verwunderung feststellst, dass schon wieder ein halbes jahr vergangen ist.

verzeih mir, dass ich auf deutsch schreibe. ist nicht böse gemeint, bin nur wie immer zu faul ;-)

grüße aus trier, m

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