Tuesday 24th - 28th of June Our train was meant to leave at quarter past 6. But our alarm did not work and 10 to 6 Hauke phoned us with the words "Do you want to go?". This was the quickest leaving ever. We had no time to check, if we forgot something. I even wore my pyjama shirt the whole day. The trip back was easy and took of course a while, but at 6 in the evening we were back in Den Haag. Maritha had to write and hand in a report on Wednesday, because Netherlands did not have holidays, yet. So she worked on it Tuesday evening and whole Wednesday and I helped a bit with the spelling, because the report had to be in German. I never thought, that my old social science magazines from highschool would be valuable again one day. Everything went fine, she handed in at exactly deadline time. After so many days without sufficient sleep we slept as long as we wanted on Thursday and drove back to Friesland. Because we had to sit in front of the computer for almost two days, we made...
February 2008 - April 2009