Tuesday 24th - 28th of June
Our train was meant to leave at quarter past 6. But our alarm did not work and 10 to 6 Hauke phoned us with the words "Do you want to go?". This was the quickest leaving ever. We had no time to check, if we forgot something. I even wore my pyjama shirt the whole day. The trip back was easy and took of course a while, but at 6 in the evening we were back in Den Haag. Maritha had to write and hand in a report on Wednesday, because Netherlands did not have holidays, yet. So she worked on it Tuesday evening and whole Wednesday and I helped a bit with the spelling, because the report had to be in German. I never thought, that my old social science magazines from highschool would be valuable again one day. Everything went fine, she handed in at exactly deadline time.
After so many days without sufficient sleep we slept as long as we wanted on Thursday and drove back to Friesland. Because we had to sit in front of the computer for almost two days, we made a small bicycle tour so I could get to know the surroundings. Because the system of streets and ways I did not get. Ok, a city is easy to orientate, because usually steets do not look the same. But I live on the country site, too, and if I do not know where I am, I go up the next hill and can orientate according to some landmarks. But Friesland... only alleys and every streets looks the same. Because you cannot look far, I did not even know in wich direction we cycled after the first two curves.
Friday we made a lot of shopping and Saturday we prepared the whole day the party area. And it was so nice. I got to know so many people, could talk in 3 different languages, and had fun until the early morning. For faster communication I switched back to English, only Maritha's little sisters had to suffer my attempts to speak Dutch, but they were creative enough to understand my mix of Dutch, German and a touch of Swedish. I really had to concentrate not to say "Vad sag du?" and "Å" all the time. Although Swedish is more present when I speak, I understand more Dutch than Swedish during conversations. The party was nice and cosy. We were quite a lot people and everybody talked with everybody. A sociable night which ended next to a camp fire. At 4 in the morning we went to bed. The bed was actually made for 13 people (a floor full of matraces), but only a few stayed over "night".
Our train was meant to leave at quarter past 6. But our alarm did not work and 10 to 6 Hauke phoned us with the words "Do you want to go?". This was the quickest leaving ever. We had no time to check, if we forgot something. I even wore my pyjama shirt the whole day. The trip back was easy and took of course a while, but at 6 in the evening we were back in Den Haag. Maritha had to write and hand in a report on Wednesday, because Netherlands did not have holidays, yet. So she worked on it Tuesday evening and whole Wednesday and I helped a bit with the spelling, because the report had to be in German. I never thought, that my old social science magazines from highschool would be valuable again one day. Everything went fine, she handed in at exactly deadline time.
