Stefan, my flatmate, wondered about me and described my life of the last week: "You must have increased you efficiency by 300%". I think, that is even underestimated. He refers to my effort on the thesis. Before last week I was very inefficient. No chapter seemed to belong to the other and although I was writing and programming, the amount of pages did not grow, because I mostly rewrote everything. But last week it changed. Since then I am sitting from the morning until the evening and write and program. And it is even fun. Although this might be my last academical paper for a long time, I started to like it. Maybe I can continue paper research at Atos.

However, I am starting to feel the side effects. I only eat, because I think I need something, not because I am hungry. I never am. My flatmates are so kind to cook, because I hardly leave my room, for I always need to finish the last thought which usually leads to another. Because of my limited space for activities, I left the flat only a few times. Twice for shopping which is actually not that much for a week. Then once for studying with Nico in the library. And once again a few days later for visiting with Katrin and Stefan the recently opened Christmas market of Aken. It is very nice and the Glühwein is delicious. I missed it. And as usual, the crowd comes for the Glühwein, therefore you need some elbow-work to even reach the booths for ordering. Unfortunately, the market closes at 9pm, so if you want to enjoy an evening there, you should start early.

Of course, it is not surprising that I start feeling sick. The eyes start to hurt and everything seems to feel weak. Last night I even got feaver, but since it is gone this morning, I count that as a side effect of some vaccine shots I got yesterday. The upcoming week does not look very different from the last. On Friday I will have my graduation party from my German home university. They celebrate only once a year, so although I graduated already in February, the official celebration will be on Friday. But the weekend won't be fun. My flatmates will all leave for their girlfriends, so no chance for getting some change in my flat. I must say, writing a thesis in a shared flat is very positive. Once in a while, you sit down in the kitchen, cook, drink tea, drink coffee and talk. It feels good not to focus only on this tiny little screen.
It snowed last weekend. I took a short walk in a snow storm at night. It's so refreshing. Another thing that I had missed. It was the first snow of the season and of course, it melted as soon as it hit the ground, but it was cold and harsh. Yesterday morning, I had to laugh when I heard the radio news: "Weather tension is going to relax". Relax from what? A little bit snow? I admit, that in the other parts of the country, quite a lot snow came down and remains, but still... I think, Swedes would laugh about it. They don't cover each snow flake with salt. They just deal with it . But I have to admit, that they have the advantage to know that summer tires are not called like that without any reason.