Is it already 2 weeks ago, since I posted the last time? Man, time is flying... The thesis is growing slowly. Most of the time I spent with designing graphical user interfaces (GUI's). It did not really take so long, because I wanted to let it look perfect, but the GUI editor sometimes crushed the complete design. In between I wondered if my own GUI would stand the critics of my last thesis which was about user friendly GUI's. I guess, it would not pass, but since I am the only user, it does not even has to. It looks pretty cheap. But now it is working. The first test results are a disaster, but since I know why, I can already write things down in a new chapter.

Today I got my contract at Atos in Aken. I will start in beginning of February as software architect. It sounds pretty good: high chance for traveling around the world, cooperation with several departments in different countries, and insight into all kind of different projects. As far as I know, they are still looking for some people for the same job, because the team will be totally new. So, if you are interested in developing frameworks, give me a call ;-) You most likely can even choose between working in Brussels or Aken, if you like.
Because I will start in February, I have time to arrange things with Miun for my master thesis defense. All in all, things seem to go well without me doing a lot for it.