Weekends in erasmus are fun.You do pretty much the same as during the week, but in the weekend you can be sure that almost nothing compalsory can interrupt you (like lessons or work). If you hang out with 40 people every day, there are at least 5 activities you can join during the weekend. Somebody always has an idea for an event.
Real life is different. A lot if you were gone for 18 months and just finished your studies. The few people you know in the area are spread over the city. And everybody is fixed in a work routine. The same for yourself. And those routines are just not as compatible as you'd wish them to be. Most of the time you do not have time to worry about that, for you have work to do what keeps you busy. But I am not that kind that lives for his work. Therefore I am happy when I can do something else than starring on a computer screen. But evenings in real life evenings behave pretty much the same as the weekends. Some free time and not really a clue what to do. Most of the time I am just too tired to go out or do something extraordinary. Because of that, I do the only right thing: go to bed early for being fresh for work next morning.
That does not count for weekends. Once you cannot sleep anymore, you have to stand up, but you cannot go to work (thank god!). But what to else to do? The weekends before I hang around and made walks. This weekend was better. On Saturday I've been out for dinner. And today I met Ulrich! He's an erasmus oldie like me, since we stayed from August 2006 until August 2007 together in Sundsvall. Today, we drank something in a cafè, enjoyed the sun and talked a lot. And once you talk about it, there are hundreds of opportunities for cheap activities. Tomorrow we go to the student cinema. And I think about meeting the erasmus students of Aachen on their weekly bar meeting. Might be funny. And I might start with salsa again. I also figured out some plans for travelling during summer. If somebody has suggestions, you are always welcome. So far, big plans in the beginning of the semester. Like every year. And like every year only a few will remain. But there will be some :)
So this was an erasmus Sunday. I heard so much about people from my erasmus time, so some of them should check their emails the coming days. Great to hear how everybody is doing. And a lot are going abroad again! Of course, they do. I would be the last who wonders.
