At the moment working still consists of paper work. Does not sound that hard, but there is so much information to gather, I am sometimes more than tired when I come home. I read a lot from different topics, getting a lot of personal lessons from my patient supervisor who answers every question and explains every connection I want to know, and I always have to keep all the things in mind I have to take care of. For every task I finish, two news questions come up that should be investigated. Therefore, for more than the reason to get some work done without getting 10 new tasks, I used a work meeting in Utrecht as opportunity to stay a day in Den Haag studying at the university's library. Since I applied too late for participating at the meeting, my supervisor gave me a lift and - after I confused the direction and took a longer walk to Utrecht's main station than to the nearer smaller station Lunetten - I took a train further to Den Haag. And reading finally worked out. On the way back one day later I had enough questions to fill a conversation in the car with my supervisor for more than one hour. But it still was not enough to be busy until we were finally home. Especially around Eindhoven we got the feeling that the other drivers wanted to stay over night on the highway. Only stop-and-go. Bad luck for a car behind us that was crashed by a truck that did not see the next lane was not free for switching. Bad luck to have a crash. Luck that it was only stop-and-go, so nobody could be hurt.

I started thinking about the thesis. Only implementing some software is not really enough for it. But that will basicaly be my task at work. Programming. But for the thesis you need some new ideas, follow some scientific advises and investigate something new. And in the end you need to draw a conclusion. When I started writing the introduction I realized the plan so far was not enough. But now I got a topic: rules engine. Most likely that will be the core of the thesis. And suddenly I can find papers and scientific research arctiles for the thesis. Sounds big, but it isn't. And once I started reading old buddies came back: decisions and decision support systems. Far to simple than for being of any use for the project I worked in Sweden for, but I get closer to the study field from my last 18 months.
It turned out that the meetings I told about the last time won't neither be in Athens nor in Madrid. Sad. Would have liked to spare a spanish hotel for a visit. But Paris, Brussels and Provence sound good enough. It is more than unsure if I will participate anyway. But I would be happy if it would be possible. Anyway, I heard the company supports employers who wants to work in different countries. I might be able to work for them in Belgium or France. Advantage of an international company. But that is far far away. Too far to start considering during more than next half year.