Again Sunday, again a post. It is not on purpose, but somehow after chilling Saturdays Sunday seems to be the perfect day to watch back. Working really becomes to a routine. Twice a week, I stand up half an hour earlier for translating these Swedish car articles. If I do not have the early shift, I try to stand up earlier anyway for being sooner at work. In return I can leave earlier. For going to sports or making laundry. This week I started sports. First on Tuesday that is called "Fitness with music". The description sound more interesting than the title. And in fact, it was fun. Wednesday, I participated in the table tennis training. I do not know why, but tennis kinds are the most amazing sport to play. Thursday, I finally made laundry. Making laundry is also kind of sports here, if you live at the third floor (German counting) and the machine stands in the basement. Very funny, after the sports two days before. Even more funny when you reach the basement and realize that you forgot the coin for activating the power supply. Or the washing liquid.

Friday was finally this international welcome party I was waiting for. I went the straight at 9pm. But instead of erasmus feeling there was cultural program. When I arrived some guys were humming otiental music for half an hour. After that came some dancing groups from columbia. Pretty nice, but nothing for party mood. They asked several times for attention, but according to the applause, especially by men, I believe only the salsa group had real attention. After two hours I had enough and left for some real entertainment. But on my way out I met Ulrich and his friends and they wanted to give the party a second try. Luckily, we did, because after 11pm the shows were over and the real music started. Really cool.

Saturday was a relaxing day. I stayed home, opened the window in the afternoon and enjoyed the sun. Although I had not plan to, I've been out with my brother and friends in the evening into a disco. Was pretty cool, but nothing for dancing, since the music changed so quickly. Or I was just too tired. Or dizzy from a slight headache (for sure not from alcohol!).
So what's the plan. Today cleaning, since it is my turn to clean. Then some work for getting free from work a little bit earlier this week. If it is possible sports at 5pm (they even have a weekend program). If I find time, in betweend enjoying the sun again. And, if I am lucky, I can already go tomorrow to Amsterdam for queensday that actually is on Wednesday.