These weeks are stressy. I did not sleep without an alarm since weeks. The weeks are always busy with things I have to do. And besides all the duty all free time that is left I spent in nice things to compensate lonely flat life. But lonely flat life will be over soon. Next weekend the first boy will move in. He and his girlfriend were here last Tuesday to say hello. I already got more on one level with him than with the former flatmates. When he left he pointed on my not-so-little arsenal of empty bottles and set "When I come back, we have to drink some welcome beers". That's the spirit I missed!!! The second boy will move in in two weeks and also seems to be smart and opened. Although I am always naiv in every beginning, I believe this will become a cool time.

Work became more and more stress. I got stucked at one task and now I am in delay. But today I could finally finish it. The remaining two days of my shorter working week, I will have to integrate the new code and move the office. Because today, I got the news, that my office moves to another room in the building. With nice view to the Eifel. Realy beautiful. Funny thing: both my colleages are either on holiday or on a meeting in Paris. So guess, who will have to move all the stuff... at least a task, I can finally manage by my own. But I already overtook the place of the colleage in holidays, because he will have the best view. At least for the next 3 weeks I can enjoy it while working.

On Friday I drove to Mechernich in order to bring back the car that I had needed for my Friesland trip. On Saturday I came back to Aken, because I expected Anne, Ward and Christian. We went out for dinner first, visited a cocktail bar afterwards and ended up in a club with an 80s party until 3 in the morning. It was pretty cool. A lot of dancing, but most important singing. It was so damn hot in there (in the sense of temperature). The way back to my flat took a while, because we had to eat something. Christian and I ended up in a competition who eats the hottest sausage (in the sense of spicy). He got the "super hot" version while I took the "Auuuuuha" version. Limited to people above the age of 18. That was the hottest food I've ever eaten. And what they say is really really true. It burns twice. For every bite.

One of my not-moved-in flatmates offered for that night already his room, so we did not have any space problems. On Sunday we went to the city, drank a coffee and in the afternoon we seperated again. Ward went to Spain, Anne went back to Bonn and Christian stayed here. Today I had to work, while Christian went to Köln for a daytrip and a concert. A pitty I have to move the office tomorrow, because otherwise I would have considered to go with him to Maastricht, since the weather is supposed to be nice. But like this he has to take care of himself until Wednesday. And at the night to Thursday we will head to Italy. A one week trip with meeting a lot of people again.