On Sunday Carolina had to leave already in the morning to be back in Spain for working. The only advantage was that there was enough space now in the apartment, so Christian and I could move in which halved the price for a night. Thomas had the idea that we could drive to Verona, the city of Romeo and Julia. Although the weather was unreliable, we gave it a try and we had luck, because the rain followed us only half way.

Grandpa Markus had been in Verona before; in 2001, to be exactly. I uploaded some pictures of that trip on
my very old homepage. It was a trip of the school of the whole class. I recognized some places. In a restaurant we had the perfect example of Italian language skills. We tried to order in English, but as so often, the waitress could not speak English. But French, German and Spanish. Good that our group could cover all these languages. We decided to let Thomas order in French. And he said, her French was excellent. Somehow the Italians often seem to know German or French, but refuse to learn English. Very strange. Maybe, because German and French tourists are not capable to speak English, too.

We walked a lot in Verona always trying to find the balcony of Julia. In the end we succeeded when Thomas asked a French tourist group of people for the way. So finally, we found even the balcony that we had surrounded several times. The place was not nice at all, because it is only made for tourists. But up a mountain at a castle it was nicer. We had a beautiful view and the countryside out of Verona looks pretty. All in all you could think that Verona is stone-made Valentines day. Couples everywhere and sometimes you could not tell if they are kissing or exchanging dinner. Some kiss-free pictures of Verona at my
Back in Brescia everybody was to tired from the day and night before, so we decided to stay at home and went to bed early.