These weeks are busy. Work is a mess of new requirements, but since there is a lot to do, there is a lot that can be solved, therefor motivation remains. But Friday evening my head still running on work-level. All the time I was looking for logic challenges, like I have to solve all the time at work. For getting rid of a busy head you can either relax and hope you come to rest... or you seek nice challenges. So I decided spontanuously to go to Dutch Friesland and Roden last weekend.

The trip was not as easy as I thought in first place. First the car of my parents seemed to have some serious problems with one of the wheels. Therefore instead of being on my way to a Dutch tea with Stroopwafels I was hanging around in two car workshops. They could not find anything, but after they attached the wheels again, the problem was gone. Well, at least it was cheap. But I was already one hour later than I planned. Because I needed to go to Aken for dropping some stuff and picking some up, my time buffer was consumed before I even crossed the border. And my trust in googlemaps was also not worth a lot. Better if I would have seeked my way alone. At least until Friesland. Because one highway was closed and the "omleidning" did not show cities on my printed route, I took another extra turn that took me at least one hour.

When I finally entered Friesland I was looking forward more and more... until only 3 km before my destination the main road was closed. Another hour I drove in circles and saw most likely complete Friesland. Jistrum, my destination, I finally found because I followed the signs on the bicycle ways. In the end I arrived half past 6. 3,5 hours later than I planned to drive the day before - more than 6 hours in total in the car for originally maybe 400 km.

But the same time span playing yazee made up every kilometer. And as I said before: nice challenges are at least as good as successful relaxing. Around midday the next day I already left to Roden to visit Marlies, my fellow student from my fourth semester in Sweden (when I was most of the time already back in Germany). The way out of Friesland was much easier than in. In Roden Marlies and I played finally our tennis match. Because they somehow do not have a tennis court in their beautiful neat little garden, we played it on the street. I guess, I was lucky we did not have a real court. After 7 years not playing I missed quite a few balls. Besides tennis I ate cake with the whole family and in between I happily wondered that I did not realise anymore when we talked German, English or Dutch. We spoke all languages, only everybody had a different level in each.

But remembering my journey one day before, I left already in the afternoon. to arrive maybe in some day light in Aken. But the way back was no problem. The highway was still closed, but this time, I just took the omleidning as I thought it would be and I arrived savely in Aken.
Back in Aken everything is still like I left it. Only that there is a pile of sleeping backs and matrasses for my guests at the next weekend. My flatmates still did not move in, yet. No clue when they arrive. But I depend on them, because my internet contract is going to expire any second and I need them to get a new contract. I cannot do it by myself, because I do not live here long enough to be bound on a time contract. So, I hope, they move in this week. And if not, they do not move in on Saturday, because that is the only day I could use their rooms. Otherwise 5 people have to sleep on 14 sqaure meters and a kitchen, what sounds managable, of course, if you do not consider, that even I have one or two furniture.