We felt bad. The day before had been so hot that our clothes were filthy of sweat. At least we had some water to wash ourselves a little bit. But we were longing for a shower. So we drove back to Piacenza hoing to find a tourist information who could explain us the detailed way to a hostel. Piacenza is a cute city. I liked the city center better than those of the other cities. But still. It is a city.
The tourist information knew exactly where our hostel was. To our surprise they told us, that there is even only one hostel in Piacenza. No wonder we could not find another one. With the detailed description we finally found it in some little street. Impossible to find with the descriptions we found on the internet before. The hostel was nice and after putting our luggage in our room I could finally take a shower.
Because we stood up so early we had the whole day left for activity. We decided to drive to Parma. Unluckily, I forgot my camera. One main task of a co-driver in Italy is, to swith radio stations. Because they talk a lot, therefore you have to switch a lot for getting some music. After a while we figured, that all radio stations in Italy must share the same CD. During the whole week, we heard maybe 20 different songs. If I would have listen more carefully, I could sing now "All summer long" by hard. When we later had access to a TV I concluded that MTV had access to the same CD as the radio stations (when they did not play that stupid show-crap the Honks love so much; what does the M in MTV stand for again?).
At Parma we went first to the park and, yes, took a nap on a bench. In the sun it was much more relaxing than during the night. The city itself was not so interesting, in my opinion. Looked like a city with another cathedral that looked like the cathedrals before. They even had some cathedrals, but they all looked the same. So in the afternoon the questions rose up what to do with the last hours of sunlight. While Christian wanted to see some other buildings I liked more to drive back into the mountains again. We finally agreed in driving back to the Abennine mountains looking a nice restaurant in one of the villages.
But on our way we passed Castell Arquato. It looked like a castle in a village before the mountains start. We decided to stop there for a while. But it turned out that it was a village inside a castle. Small streets, small houses... the prettiest village I have seen. We walked around for hours finding new details at every corner. We did not need to go to the mountains anymore. So we finally sat down in a pizzeria for dinner and drive later back to Piacenza at night where we could enjoy finally real beds for sleeping.
