Finally a week with Swedish rhythm, although it were more obligations in between. Since Georg enjoys his trip through Ireland, I have to take the morning shifts for translation for complete July. Afterwards I always head to Atos for work. Mostly this week I had problems staying awake, because my supervisor is on holidays, so the only work I have to do is my own. And because I am still only in the theory part of my thesis, my own work is almost only reading. And that makes so tired. Especially after lunch (German lunch; dinner for rest of the world) what I had to take a few times this week at work. Back home I got sometimes surprising visitors, because my landlord does not tell me that possible new flatmates are coming to watch the flat. I only realize they are coming when they already stand in my kitchen. I am not even asked to open the door. The landlord has the keys anyway. Once they woke me up from my power nap and another time they came just in time before I wanted to go to shower. Lucky them that they did not come 2 minutes later.

The evenings this week were always late. Monday was late chatting with people,.Tuesday was late due to sports. Wednesday I studied until early night. Thursday I've been out with Micha and Friday I celebrated Ulrich's last (well, definitely last before last, if he failed) exam of his career. Saturday I cleaned the flat and the empty rooms of the girls, because the landlord forgot to lock them. Now I have unofficial guest rooms. And I decorated the flat further and re-organized the kitchen. Michi found an old poster from my old flat that I had forgotten. Now it hangs in the small corridor before my room and batch room. I still have some ideas for my room. With the small corridor I want to wait for new flatmates, before I put new shelves in there. But I am still not satisfied with the kitchen. It still looks half finished.

In between I took the bus to Vaals. on Saturday. First I went up the mountain the "
drielandenpunt" where the borders of Germany, Belgium and Netherlands meet. The way was nice and I regret I did not take my camera with me. It is a nice nature path. But something went wrong with the signs, because before reaching the cross point, the signs sent me back down the mountain. Half way down it started to rain, so I did not go back, because I will come back with my camera anyway. I waited in the forest until the rain stopped and went back down to Vaals where I made my Dutch food shopping tour. Every few weeks I have to do it, because my
chocolate flakes,
stroopwafels and
kroketten are empty. Over time I added some other things to my list and now my fridge enjoys a varity it rarely knew from me before. If I think back to the time before Sweden... my fridge at that time was twice as big, but had never more than some slices of bread, cheese and a bottle of liqueur which I almost never drank.

In the evening I had a game evening with Michi and Verena. We played
carcassonne what I had only played twice on Christmas. It is quite tactical and somehow luck was with me and I even one. In the following rounds
Skipbo we were even. We drank some cocktails, but at midnight we got already tired and ended the nice evening.